Friday, September 17, 2010

So the celebrations are in full swing for the Bicentennial Celebration. Plenty of distractions to keep me from posting on my blog.

We have attempted to lay witness the light show at La Moneda Palace. Here is a recap of what we really didn't bear witness to...because there were estimates of 60,000 heads in front of me.

But it was certainly a thrill to be part of a historical event.

I was also in the perfect place to see the raising of the giant flag in front of the palace, but the wrong time...I had to go meet with someone to discuss some details about my research in La Parva. So I watched it online. It was cool. The girls, my roommates/research team got amazing pictures.

Here is the link:

Tomorrow we will go to the Rodeo in Las Condes. Pictures soon to come. On Sunday there is a festive and grand march, but again, the whole city will be out to see the 7,000 plus uniformed men and women of the armed forces pass down the streets of Santiago. I'm not a crowd person, so we will see if I go or not. But the festivities continue and everyone is in a joyful mood. It is truly like our Independence Day in the U.S. Food, fireworks, and flags.

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