Friday, June 11, 2010

Returning to Chile

What an adventure in itself traveling to Chile is! I left yesterday afternoon and arrived at my new apartment only hours ago. When we touched down, everything ran so surprisingly smoothly it felt as though I was still dreaming on the plane. The only unfortunate happenstance was that Rachel's bags did not make it on the plane with us. Also, I got in trouble for bringing raisins to Chile. "Raisins are forbidden" the inspector at baggage claim told me. I had to keep from laughing as I threw them away. But as I understand it now, all fruit is off the list.

I am so excited to be working with this year's research team. We have Tina Wey who is finishing up her doctorate from UCLA this fall. She and Rachel Chock, a post-masters graduate, are working on the degu project, with the assistance of Morgan Elfelt, a recent graduate of Minnesota State University-Moorhead. She will start her Masters in the fall. Then on 'Team Coruro' we have myself and Michael Lough Stevens, an undergraduate student attending UC-Berkeley and working in the institution's museum. He will be collecting fecal samples, identifying and measuring parasite loads.

Today, while walking the streets of Santiago, I reflected on how it almost felt like coming home. The loud noises and familiar sights, the chatter in Spanish all around me. The looming Andes are fixed in the cityscape. I was surprised to see how little damage the city had endured during the February 27 earthquake. Yes, you could see some damage still, but it was seen in the much older buildings like on the old cathedrals, and cracked plaster on gas station walls. Our landlord said the building we are living in now merely swayed but stood strong. He laughed when I asked if they expected anymore aftershocks. Only every ten years do they get such powerful earthquakes, he said.

Field work will start later in the following week. I plan to post a new entry every Saturday, so until then safe travels and continue to dream.

1 comment:

  1. Aww... boo the customs guy for making you throw away your raisins!
    I'm glad you are happy to be back.
    Stay warm! Hope to talk to you soon!

    Much love,
    Mommy and Liz
